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June 21, 2006

Angelina Jolie, Meet Cindy Sheehan

Is it not bad enough that we have to see Angelina Jolie's mug plastered all over the media as we goggle over her relationship with Brad Pitt and their new baby (named after a Civil War battle)? Do we now have to listen to her air her views on American foreign policy?

"When you're in Washington to get money for AIDS orphans, the answer is often, we're at war right now," said the goodwill ambassador for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) who has visited refugee camps around the world.

"Our priorities are quite strange," she said referring to the money Washington spends on war and not "dealing with situations that could end up in conflict if left unassisted, and then cost more."

"We're missing a lot of opportunities (to do) a lot of good that America used to do and has a history of doing ... You have to start to notice that there's something wrong with that," she added.

Using this logic, helping Iraqis shed a murderous dictator and create the first stable democracy in the Middle East outside of Israel, as well as hunt out al Qaeda operatives before they do more damage is not an opportunity to do good. Jolie is obviously pining for the days of Bill Clinton, where we didn't do a thing without the blessings of the UN and countries like France and Germany.

Stick to looking pretty in front of the cameras, Angelina, as well as trying to keep Brad on a short leash.

In other news, Cindy Sheehan has followed President Bush to Vienna, where she is whipping anti-George Bush protesters into a frenzy. I guess when you've worn out your welcome at home, the only choice is to go abroad for the attention you crave.

I suggest these two women get together. There have been so many similar successful duos: Laurel and Hardy, Abbot and Costello, Captain and Tennille, Fred and Barney... Perhaps they can do together what they can't seem to accomplish alone, which is to dictate our foreign policy. Cindy could use Angelina to hook the suckers in. They'll never know what hit them.

Gary at Ex-Donkey Blog sounds off on Angelina as well.

The new dynamic duo, ready to mete out US foreign policy

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Posted by Pam Meister at 08:21 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Hey!! You forgot "Martin and Lewis." Good lookin' and stupid.

Posted by: THIRDWAVEDAVE at June 21, 2006 11:06 AM
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