July 12, 2006
Recruiting Terrorists in Prison
The Smoking Gun today highlights a CIA report, written in 2002, regarding terrorist recruiting that goes on in Guantanamo Bay.
A secret Central Intelligence Agency report details the recruiting and organizing tactics of imprisoned al-Qaeda detainees and the difficulties faced by jailers in combating these efforts by disciples of Osama bin Laden. The report, prepared in August 2002 by the CIA Counterterrorist Center's Office of Terrorism Analysis, concluded that while detainees at Guantanamo Bay facilities were organizing and communicating in accordance with al-Qaeda training methods, U.S. officials were hamstrung to counter these moves without the aid of "inside sources."
Guantanamo detainees enforced a code of conduct and sought to shield the identity of leaders through the use of surrogates. Additionally, inmates reportedly sought to "put their training into practice by establishing cellblock leaders and dividing responsibility among deputies for greeting new arrivals, assessing interrogations, monitoring the guard force, and providing moral support to fellow detainees, among other tasks." The report notes that seized al-Qaeda training manuals offered guidance on how members could organize and recruit while imprisoned, with one manual even including a diagram titled "Organization of Barracks Net."
Yes, those poor Guantanamo prisoners, deprived of Geneva Convention rights that they aren't even entitled to, continue to recruit al Qaeda members right under the noses of their jailers.
What utter rubbish. While those on the left continue to fight for these men's human rights, they continue to sign up those who would gladly trade their own lives if it means lives of Americans and other Westerners are lost, and wish to impose Islam and its Shar'ia law upon nations worldwide. What about the rights of those these men seek to kill?
I wonder what the New York Times thinks?
Hat tip: Jeanette
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