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August 03, 2006

Blackface is OK...For Some

I have been so busy at work this week that I haven't been able to follow the news as closely as I'd like. However, this merits my (belated) attention.

Leftwinger Jane Hamsher, someone intimately involved with Greenwich millionaire Ned Lamont's senate bid against Joe Lieberman, posted a Photoshop of Lieberman in blackface on Huffington Post. The weasel Lamont is now backpedaling as quickly as he can, despite his sucking up to lefty blogs since the beginning of his campaign.

Michelle Malkin has extensive details here and here and here.

Mark Finkelstein of Newsbusters notes that there was no notice of the event on the morning news shows. I've been listening to the radio and have heard nothing of this. The first I knew of it was from visiting Malkin's site today.

I have, however, heard plenty about Mel Gibson's drunk driving/Jew bashing brouhaha within the past week.

Gibson was drunk. He was driving. He made inflammatory comments. He has been raked over the coals in the press and he has apologized profusely. He has also been charged with DUI. He's in the hot seat, and he'll just have to wait it out.

It's interesting to note how the Gibson episode received international attention, while the Lieberman-in-blackface made barely a ripple. Two points: leftists have rejected Lieberman, a Democrat who supports our actions in Iraq and elsewhere in our efforts to stamp out Islamofascism, and therefore any ridicule of him is considered acceptable; Gibson is an unapologetic Catholic who not only dared to make a movie about Christ that wasn't derogatory toward Christianity, but actually made boatloads of money off of it.

I don't even pretend to understand the use of the blackface by someone affiliated with a group that prides itself on its "support" of blacks and other minorities, other than to point out the blatant hypocrisy it represents.

Here it is:


It's just a little something to think about the next time you hear leftists shouting about racism and bigotry running rampant on the right.

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