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October 05, 2006

Why Conservatives Need to Vote in November

There seems to be talk by conservatives about staying home on election day this year because they're angry with Republican leadership, and feel that certain Republicans don't deserve to be re-elected.

Some of the Republican base feel that this administration and Republicans in general have let them down on border security, spending, abortion and other key issues. Perhaps they are justified in feeling that way.

But those who think they will be punishing the Republicans by staying home on election day will also be punishing themselves. We simply cannot afford to cede leadership of the House and Senate over to the Democrats. The Republicans may have been disappointing of late, but if you want real disappointment, look no further than the Democrats.

Here are a few reasons why conservatives need to go to the polls:

*If Democrats take control of the House, Nancy Pelosi will become Speaker. This not only gives the woman (who voted against the Patriot Act, military tribunals for terrorist suspects, and does not consider us to be at war) incredible power, it also puts her third in line for the presidency should the unthinkable occur and we lose our President and Vice President.
"[Campaigns] shouldn't be about national security."

*If Nancy Pelosi is promoted to House Speaker, guess who wants to become House Majority Leader? John Murtha. Murtha, as you well remember, doesn't want to pull out of Iraq so much as he wants to "redeploy" our troops to a convenient location...Okinawa. Murtha also accused our Marines of killing civilians in cold blood in Haditha, before any military inquiry had taken place. (As it is, there has been no official conclusion yet to that event). Murtha, like John Kerry, feels that his prior military service precludes him from being criticized on the foolhardy policies he promotes now.
"Our troops...killed innocent civilians in cold blood."

*John Conyers would become head of the House Judiciary committee. Conyers has been agitating for the impeachment of George W. Bush since 2003, and is a supporter of reparations for slavery by big businesses.
Should this man be in charge of the House Judiciary committee?

*Chairmanship of important Senate committees would go from Republicans to Democrats. Just imagine having Democrats in charge of the committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, the committee on Foreign Relations, the committee on the Judiciary, and the committees on the Armed Services and Appropriations.
Can you imagine Leahy and Byrd in charge of the Judiciary and Appropriations committees?

Not to mention the power that Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer and other mega-liberals would gain.

Big Lizards also reminds us of some very good reasons for conservatives to go to the polls. Check them out. (On a tip from Right Wing Nation.)

Not voting to "punish" Republicans is one of the worst things conservatives can do. Be sure to go to the polls on November 7.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 01:29 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Politics



rebuke the Democrat Folly...

* but isn't the voting day on Nov. 4th?

Posted by: hnav at October 5, 2006 11:46 AM

Election day is always the first Tuesday in November...this year it is the 7th. November 4th this year falls on a Saturday! :-)

Posted by: Pam at October 5, 2006 01:54 PM


oh yes, i remember it now...

thank you, i would be so lost without the mighty BLOGMEISTER !

Posted by: hnav at October 6, 2006 12:33 PM

Pam! Cross post this at LLP. This would make a great post to Christen the blog with your first post!

Posted by: aaron at October 6, 2006 02:36 PM

Pam, great post! I linked from Lone Star Pundit this afternoon.

Posted by: Kyle at October 6, 2006 03:23 PM

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