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December 21, 2006

Mary Grabar Takes On "The View"

Mary Grabar, whose commentary can be found on Town Hall, gives the ladies on The View a b*tch slap worthy of one of the show's own hosts.

But it’s a sign of our crumbling civilization that a bunch of girls of varying ages and ethnic backgrounds, sitting around all dressed up for a coffee klatch, some of them with cleavage spilling out of Victoria’s Secret Infinity Edge Push-Up bras, spout off opinions borrowed from disturbed teenagers and Michael Moore, and call it a talk show.

This was the danger of giving women the vote. The danger to conservatives (and the survival of this country) is the voting bloc of single women, i.e., those who lack the guidance of a man in the form of a husband or intellectual mentor.

Read it all here.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 11:38 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) | Commentary

they sit down to pee...utterly brilliant!

Posted by: aaron at December 21, 2006 12:05 PM

I know a lot of men who do too!

I'm just saying!

Posted by: Gayle Miller at December 22, 2006 10:23 AM

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