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December 29, 2006

Chavez Clamps Down on Free Speech

Cindy Sheehan's main squeeze, Hugo Chavez, has said he won't renew the license of Veneuela's second biggest television station when it expires in March 2007 (although the head of the station says the license isn't up for renewal that soon). Chavez said he won't allow media that is working for a coup against him.

"It runs out in March. So it's better that you go and prepare your suitcase and look around for what you're going to do in March," [Chavez] said during a televised speech to soldiers at a military academy in Caracas.

"There will be no new operating licence for this coupist TV channel called RCTV. The operating licence is over... So go and turn off the equipment," Mr Chavez said.

The station is known for its support against Chavez.

I'd like to know what all the Bush-haters in this country, who delight in calling our president a fascist, think about this latest move in Venezuela by a true fascist. I don't see President Bush threatening to shut down television stations or any other kind of media outlet, despite the MSM's obvious slant against him and Republicans in general. That's because we live in a country where the government does not have that kind of control, nor will it (unless certain Democrats get their way).

Cindy Sheehan's antics would never be allowed in Venezuela if she was a Venezuelan citizen airing her grievances about Chavez. Unfortunately, she's too dim to realize that. And so are a lot of other people, who obviously cannot appreciate how good they really have it here.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 09:52 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) | International


isn't this Communist, basically the liberal democrat desire for this Nation?

with Hillary playing the role?

they really don't know what they are asking for...

Posted by: hnav at December 30, 2006 03:11 AM

I think Sheehag's New Year's resolution should be to SHUT THE HELL UP!

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 1, 2007 10:45 PM

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