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January 02, 2007

Down With Cheese!

New Yorkers had better hope the NYC Board of Health doesn't get wind of what its mentor, the UK, is up to:

NEW advertising rules which will brand cheese as "junk food" were yesterday criticised as "dietary nannying gone mad" by a leading farming industry figure.


The new regulations, being introduced this month by the television regulator Ofcom, will ban broadcasters from advertising cheese during children's TV programmes, or shows with a large number of child viewers.

They are part of a government clampdown on junk- food TV adverts and aimed at reducing the exposure of children to food high in fat, salt and sugar.

The ban comes in the wake of evidence that television commercials have an indirect influence on what children eat and are contributing to obesity in the young.

Yes, an indirect influence. What's not being said is that parents have the greater influence, and that it is their responsibility to make sure Jimmy and Susie are eating and exercising properly. Banning advertisements for anything, be it sugary cereals or cheese, is not going to do a heck of a lot in this fight against obesity. As I've said many times before, educate people about the importance of healthy eating and exercising habits. Then the choice is theirs.

To quote George Orwell: Liberal: a power worshipper without power.

h/t: Moonbattery

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Buy stock in Purina. Before long all we'll be allowed to eat is their rabbit chow.

Posted by: Van Helsing at January 2, 2007 01:08 PM

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