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January 17, 2007

Jimmy Carter: Interceded on Behalf of Nazi SS Guard

Jimmy Carter has been in the news so often, I'm beginning to think I need a special category for him in my sidebar. The man is just an embarrassment to our country.

It's been revealed by former U.S. Justice Department official Neil Sher that Jimmy Carter interceded on the behalf of a former Nazi SS guard, who was deported from the U.S. in 1987.

[Martin] Bartesch, who had immigrated to the U.S. and lived in Chicago, admitted to Sher’s office and the court that he had voluntarily joined the Waffen SS and had served in the notorious SS Death’s Head Division at the Mauthausen concentration camp where, at the hands of Bartesch and his cohorts, many thousands of prisoners were gassed, shot, starved and worked to death. He also confessed to having concealed his service at the infamous camp from U.S. immigration officials.

His adult children and church began lobbying as many officials as they could in order to procure special treatment for him, using as excuse that he had "only" been 17 or 18 at the time he joined the SS. Only Carter took the bait, but by the time he sent in his plea, Bartesch was already gone (as if it would have made a difference). Carter's note said that in cases like this, he wanted "special consideration for the family for humanitarian reasons."

Humanitarian reasons? Those adult kids could go to visit Dad wherever he ended up anytime they wanted to. Unlike the Jews that Bartesch had a direct hand in ruthlessly exterminating, they were living their lives in peace and freedom. Bartesch himself obviously didn't consider Jews worthy of humanitarian consideration, yet Jimmy Carter didn't think he deserved to be deported because his poor family was being left behind. Unbelievable.

Why tell the story now?

Now, following Carter’s book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, Sher has decided to go public with the hope that a public made aware of Carter’s support and defense of a Nazi SS man will help illustrate why the arbiter of the Camp David Accords came out with a book defending the Palestinians after the landslide election of the Islamist Hamas terror group.

“It always bothered me, but I didn’t go public with it until recently, when he wrote this book and let it spill out where his sentiments really lie,” Sher said. “Here was Jimmy Carter jumping in on behalf of someone who did not deserve in any way, shape or form special consideration. And the things he has now said about the Jewish lobby really exposes where his heart really lies.”

Jimmy Carter: Defender of the undeserving.

On a tip from Cookiewrangler.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 04:34 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Just Plain Stupid

Can we just throw him out of an airlock already, a la Battlestar Galactica?

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 17, 2007 07:09 PM

Wyatt I am sure the Palestinians could use him on the border with Israel when they portray an IDF atrocity!

Posted by: learner at January 17, 2007 09:09 PM

You should be more skeptical of this bizarre claim. The extreme right will demonize anyone who doesn't go along with their ideology, accuracy be damned.

The timing of this should make you think twice as well.

Posted by: libhomo at January 18, 2007 08:48 PM

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