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January 23, 2007

Cal Thomas on Hillary's Candidacy

Cal Thomas warns conservatives of the pitfalls that lurk in a campaign against Hillary.

Conservatives should be careful. The nonstop attacks on Bill Clinton did not keep him from winning in 1992, nor did his personal scandals prevent his re-election four years later. Using similar smear tactics on Hillary Clinton will only turn her into a victim and cause many not predisposed to vote for her to support her.

Men can't run against a woman the way they run against other men. Former Republican Congressman Rick Lazio learned the double standard voters apply to a female candidate when he challenged her in 2000 for the New York Senate seat she now holds. During a debate, Lazio left his lectern and invaded her personal space to make a point. Many voters saw a man trying to physically intimidate a woman and Lazio lost the debate and the election.

Read the rest here.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 10:51 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | 2008

actually, i believe Lazio should have been far more aggressive, in stating the unethical history of Hillary and Bill Clinton.

his walk accross the stage was a mistake, but only highlighted by the enormously biased liberal democrat partisans in the state of NY, to use to focus upon, to create a reason to ignore all the Clinton negligence.

if Lazio had not made this 'walk', it would have been something else.

notice, they completely ignored the reality Hillary could not reject the corrupt soft money donations.

in my personal opinion, a number of Democrats in races are very strident, with slander.

sadly it seems to work, but i am not talking about dishonesty, i am speaking about being bold in an ethical, classy manner.

best wishes.

Posted by: hnav at January 24, 2007 12:41 PM

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