February 04, 2007
Today, ThirdwaveDave celebrates his 51st birthday. You know, the best thing about Dave celebrating his 51st is that he is older than me (I am pleased to still be on the uphill side of 40). Pretty soon he'll start watching those Scooter Store ads more carefully, and he'll be able to qualify for the senior discount platter at Denny's! (I hear he loves the grilled cheese and tomato with coleslaw and an iced tea.)
Dave is a blogger who not only covers those newsworthy things that make us either say "Wow!" or "Cr@p!", but he also takes on important causes...like helping to raise money for soldiers' families in need. He's the kind of guy to send an unsolicited compliment, saying something out of the blue to make your day. And although I've never met him in person (and I certainly hope to do so someday), I am proud to say he's my friend.
So many happy returns, Dave, and may there be many more!
(Well, what are you waiting for? Head on over to his blog and wish him a happy!)
Dave's saving up for one of these babies...
I hear they do a rip-roarin' 5 mph!
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