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February 21, 2007

The Old Clinton Chutzpah Continues

From the NY Post's Page Six (h/t Kitty):

February 21, 2007 -- NOT everyone was psyched for last night's highly anticipated fund-raiser for Barack Obama, held by DreamWorks founders David Geffen, Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg. A source with close knowledge of the event said Obama's fellow front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton, was furious at the three, who she thought were her friends, for supporting her rival. According to our source, an angry call was made to Geffen by someone in Clinton's office. "They were very angry [the movie moguls] were holding this event," our source said. "They calmed down after an assurance was made that there would still be support and money left over for [Clinton]." A rep for Clinton said, "No one spoke to [Geffen]." Clinton is having her own funder on March 24 and Spielberg has agreed to host another for her. Obama's event was so popular that it had to be moved from a restaurant that could hold 400 people to the Beverly Hilton, which can hold 600. Jennifer Aniston, Eddie Murphy, Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington shelled out $2,300 each to attend.

So instead of this temper tantrum ticking the money men off, they seek to mollify Hillary's camp with the assurance that she'll get the same star treatment. Have these people no spines? Once again, Hillary gets away with something most three-year-olds would get swatted for (or at the very least, a stern time out).

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Posted by Pam Meister at 09:38 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) | 2008

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