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April 12, 2007

Comparing Heroes to Zeroes

Guns and who uses them and why...it's an important distinction to make.

A gun is a tool. And depending upon whose hands a gun is in, it can be a force for good or a force for evil. To imply that anyone who wields a gun is automatically on the side of evil is the kind of moral equivalence we have come to expect from many on the left today. For example, most of us would feel more reassured to see a gun in the hands of a professional law enforcement officer than your common, garden variety street thug. Yet there are those who feel threatened, even endangered, by such a sight.

Read more of what I have to say about this in my FamilySecurityMatters.org article today.

UPDATE: In the piece, I include a quote that was in the Denver Post from a Calvin Freehling, who the article says is a Vietnam veteran. This morning, I received an e-mail from VeriSEAL, a group dedicated to providing "independent, no-cost verification of Special Operations Forces personnel backgrounds to SEC associates, clients and law enforcement." The e-mail said, in part:

Please be aware that in response to the Denver Post article by Joe Bunch, a preliminary military records search found no record of a Calvin Freehling having served in any branch of the armed forces. This search was done in response to Mr. Freehling's comments which you have reflected in your excellent piece. Upon finding no record of military service for Mr. Freehling, a formal records request has been made to the the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis.

Mr. Bunch ignored our observations, though he was all too eager to accept the preposterous comments of a likely military imposter.

I've informed FSM, and hope they'll include a footnote. The quote seemed odd to me, and I hesitated before including it...I should have known better.

UPDATE II: FSM has removed the reference to Freehling!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 06:16 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | FSM

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