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April 19, 2007

Stop Global Warming: Stop Procreation

According to Ric Oberlink of the group Californians for Population Stabilization, "Human population growth is the paramount environmental issue."

His group believes that a reduction in the population (specifically the American population) should be at the top of the "to do" list for stopping global warming.

It figures that a group like this would be based in California.

I have a few questions about this solution. How do we decide how to reduce our population? Will there be a one-child law as in China? (We see how well that works...couples want boys, and girls are tossed into orphanages and many often end up getting adopted by families overseas.) How will the one-child law be enforced? Enforced contraception? Enforced sterilization after the birth of your first child? What if you have twins or triplets? Will they be euthanized before or after birth? (This could be good news for the "pro-choice" crowd.) How will the overflow of illegal immigrants be added to the "overpopulation" equation? And who will oversee these policies -- a population Gestapo? Will friends and neighbors start turning each other in if they violate population law?

I also wonder if Ric Oberlink has kids. Somehow, I doubt it...he seems a bit too selfish to be a parent.

As Van Helsing says, "No ideology ever devised could be more profoundly antihuman — and therefore, more evil — than modern environmentalism."


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Posted by Pam Meister at 08:44 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Global Warming Hype

McDougall's headstone -- as in Jim McDougall??


Posted by: Kitty at April 19, 2007 10:20 AM

No idea...it was just something I found on the internet. I had quite a time trying to find an image I liked!

Posted by: Pam at April 19, 2007 10:30 AM

Too bad you didn't have time to Photoshop the name Oberlink onto the grave stone.

If these folks, and those in other such organizations, e.g., Negative Population Growth, or the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, think it is such a great idea, then they should show us how it is done.

Though I haven't been able to find an internet verification, supposedly Ted Turner said in a 1992 Audubon Magazine interview that he envisioned an ideal world human population of 375 million to 400 million.

Posted by: joe-6-pack at April 22, 2007 11:22 PM

Pam, I know that the question is not in earnest from the tone and immediate jump to an enforced one-child law, but I'd like to offer a couple answers anyway, to the question: how do we decide how to reduce our population?
There are so very many ways to at least curb population growth. To start: encouraging (through education) responsible sexual and reproductive choices by both males and females to reduce unwanted pregnancies; allowing safe and widespread access to birth control; changing the notion that there is something wrong or unfeminine about a woman who chooses not to have children; etc.
Even if these groups encourage having only one or no children, none of them are encouraging that such an idea become law. (I would like to make it clear that I'm not necessarily in favor of negative population growth, but I do know the ideas behind it.)

Posted by: Ro at April 24, 2007 05:07 PM

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