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June 07, 2007


America, you did good.

The amnesty, er, I mean comprehensive immigration reform bill, didn't make the cloture vote again tonight, which means that it will be removed from the Senate floor. This means there is little chance that it will be revived this year.

The vote was 45-50 against limiting debate on the bill, 15 short of the 60 that the bill's supporters needed to prevail. Most Republicans voted to block Democrats' efforts to bring the bill to a final vote.

The legislation, which had been endorsed by President Bush, would tighten borders, institute a new system to prevent employers from hiring undocumented workers in addition to giving up to 12 million illegal immigrants a pathway to legal status.

As Larwyn said in an e-mail, "Americans won...La Raza lost."

Michelle Malkin has been covering this extensively over this past week; she has up-to-the-minute coverage here.

Harry Reid, who was among those trying to cram this down our throats and called illegal aliens "undocumented Americans" is now doing damage control, saying that removing the bill from the floor would let such important talk as regulating gas prices (price controls are never a good idea, BTW) and trying to give Alberto Gonzalez the boot. Let the finger pointing and political spin begin. As is expected, of course.

If Congress would work on enforcing the laws we have before spending time making new ones, perhaps they'd get more popular support. A FOX News poll said 58% of Americans want to see enforcement of existing laws first.

Why our elected representatives haven't figured that out yet is beyond me.

To those of you who contacted your senators and/or blogged about this to get the word out, pat yourselves on the back. We elect these people to represent us, not illegal aliens who shouldn't be here, much less demand the rights we enjoy. We need to remind Congress more often that they serve at our pleasure.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 08:56 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) | Illegal Immigration

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