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June 13, 2007

Fred Thompson Blog Now Online

Part of the I'm With Fred site, the Fred File is now up and running. He actually writes some of the posts himself, and comments are open.

My blog is not on the blogroll...*sob*...but considering those that are, I shouldn't be surprised that my insignificant rantings are not included. However, I am pleased to say that American Thinker made the cut, a site I am fortunate enough to contribute to from time to time. I'll have to be content with that. ;-)

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Posted by Pam Meister at 03:59 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Fred!

What happened to messages to fred blog? It just went away. Can anyone here explain this to me.

Posted by: Dale Deimel at June 27, 2007 10:41 PM

We are so excited about Fred Thompson running for president can't wait for him to formally announce he's in the running.

Posted by: Gloria Goulet at July 5, 2007 03:15 PM

I am also eager to see Fred Thompson enter the GOP nomination race. I still believe that Rudy will be the eventual candidate, but Fred Thompson is much more palatable to conservatives that believe they do not have a horse in this race as of yet.

Posted by: Mark Hutcherson at July 13, 2007 04:48 PM

Mr Thompson. i heard a speach where you said you would ask senior citizens to take a cut in benifets. My question , will you also ask all your big oil friendds to get out of SS. what about Tobacco. and all the other corperate leaches you help put on while you were in Senate. How about you and the Congress , will you also take a cut. didn't think so. thats why it Better dead than Fred

Posted by: Ron Evans at July 20, 2007 03:48 PM

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