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June 18, 2007

Monday Quick Takes

Just a few blatherings on today's headlines...

The latest Gallup/USA Today poll ties Fred Thompson with John McCain for the Republican nomination, with Rudy Giuliani still on top. Awesome!

One of the publicly humiliated Duke lacrosse players is planning on filing a civil suit against recently disbarred, former Durham district attorney Mike Nifong. Nifong's statements during his hearing last week that he still feels "something happened in that bathroom" at that infamous party made it "difficult" for Reade Seligmann to feel any kind of sympathy for him. Good. The big question is, however, will Seligmann be able to collect if he wins? With his profession stripped from him, Nifong will be hard pressed to make a living, let alone pay a civil settlement. Ah well, if you play with fire, prepare to get burned. (I hear McDonald's may be hiring.)

Al Gore is upset that Paris Hilton is getting more press than global warming fears. "The planet is in distress and all of the attention is on Paris Hilton. We have to ask ourselves what is going on here?” Translation: "Paris Hilton is getting more attention than me. What is going on here?" Look, I find all Paris, all the time news cycles annoying as well, and lament that more people know about what's going on with her than in Gaza, for example. However, I will make the exception in that anything which takes away some of the ill-deserved spotlight from hypocrite Al Gore's proclamations that we must all make sacrifices (except him and his celebrity friends) to "save" the earth is a good thing. Go Paris!

CNN is reporting that conservative bloggers are in "full revolt" over the "comprehensive immigration reform" bill that is being brought back from the dead like Frankenstein's monster. (h/t Tim B.) Well, duh! The nutshell version of our complaint is secure the border and get a handle on the visa system first; we can worry about who's here afterward. But I have to wonder if it's such a good thing that the left-leaning MSM is now on to the fact that we're unhappy with President Bush and Republican leadership in general...

Finally, in case you're suffering for the latest news on Paris Hilton, she gave her father a homemade Father's Day card, crafted with love behind bars. Poor Rick Hilton, unable to hug Paris because she's behind glass during his visits. Geraldo Rivera was all over it like sauce on pasta yesterday. Neil Boortz put it best:

Yes .. yesterday was Father's day. Just how many sons and daughters had to spend the day thinking about their fathers serving in harm's way in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of these children will never see their fathers again ... and Craig Rivera is worried about how tough it is on the Hilton family to have their twit child in jail on Father's Day.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 12:53 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) | Other

Al should tie his cause to Paris Hilton's struggle. For instance, he could move to put those energy-saving light bulbs, the ones that you have (even in the populous Chicago area) drive 50 miles to get recycled. Or, better, he could have prisoners at the LA County Jail, or at Rikers Island or Cook County Jail recycle them.

It's all in how you package it, Al.

Posted by: John Ruberry at June 18, 2007 01:49 PM

As to Fathers day the dissenters of anything discriminatory are raging:
The National Organization for Women (NOW) and other women advocacy groups have filed suit against the Bush Administration seeking to abolish Fathers Day.The American Civil Liberties Union, filing on behalf of the organizations said the day runs afoul of equal protection and Title IX provisions and should be abolished because it is discriminatory against women. "It is time to move beyond the pattern male discrimination against women so prevalent in the home and the workplace," according to a press release.

More padding for the pockets of the ACLU who will look to make millions in legal fees over this.Look for the ACLU to file suite against all holidays because they somewhere, somehow, upset someone.

Posted by: Mike at June 18, 2007 11:31 PM

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