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June 28, 2007

House Seeks PAY RAISE???

gall (n): impudence, effrontery.

AP story via Breitbart:

WASHINGTON (AP) - Despite low approval ratings and hard feelings from last year's elections, Democrats and Republicans in the House are reaching out for an approximately $4,400 pay raise that would increase their salaries to almost $170,000.

The cost-of-living raise endorsed Wednesday evening gets lawmakers back on track for automatic pay raises after a fight between the parties last year and again in January killed the pay increase due this year. That was the first interruption of the annual congressional pay boost in seven years.

They have the crummiest job rating ever, and they're asking to get their automatic pay raise reinstated?

This part is rich:

Most members support the pay raise as a means of retaining experienced lawmakers and of making sure that Congress is not simply dominated by wealthy people. Many lawmakers maintain homes both in the expensive Washington housing market and back in their districts. On most days, they meet with lobbyists making far more than they do.

Take a look at these congressional perks and tell me if you think these guys are suffering.

If I do a rotten job at work, I don't get a raise. In fact, I may get fired. If Congress does a rotten job, they can still vote themselves a pay raise. Something's wrong here.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 08:19 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Government

Vote out their worthless asses! This recent amnesty debacle is more than proof enough of who needs to be ousted.

Posted by: Reverse_Vampyr at June 28, 2007 11:35 AM

Yeah, working with people who make more than you do is just SUCH a difficult burden to bear. Please - right now I'm sitting outside the office of someone who makes roughly 10 times what I do, and that's just salary; doesn't count bonuses and other perks.

It's called being adequately compensated for the job you are doing. Oh wait, if we apply that to Congress then they should be making less than minimum wage, since they are doing a less than minimum kind of job for their employer - the United States citizens. And yes, that is CITIZENS, not citizen-wannabes.

Posted by: at June 29, 2007 08:21 AM

Oops - that anonymous post above is me.

Posted by: Kris, in New England at June 29, 2007 08:21 AM

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