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July 06, 2007

Fred Thompson vs. Hillary Clinton: Tied

The latest Rasmussen poll puts Fred Thompson and Hillary Clinton neck and neck, each garnering 45% of the support from potential voters polled. Of the remaining 10%, half said they would vote for someone else in the event of a Thompson/Clinton race, and the rest were unsure.

This is significant for a couple of reasons: one, Thompson hasn't yet made his campaign official, and so for him to garner this much attention means people really are tired of the same old crowd. Two, Mrs. Bill Clinton's positive/negative numbers are very significant. She is either loved or despised, with no middle ground. She does not have the election tied up by any means, so having a close rival is sure to shake things up over at Hillary! for President.

Of course, any independents entering the race would have an effect, but it's not clear which party would suffer at this point. It depends upon who runs, really, and if there are more than one. Analysts are saying that if Mike Bloomberg runs he'd drain support from the Republican candidate, but I'm not too sure about that. Bloomberg may have been a "Republican" when he was elected as NYC's mayor, but that was only a matter of convenience for him because he couldn't get on the Democrat ticket. Now he's an Independent, but no matter what affiliation he has, he is a major fan of socialist policies, and does what he can to further New York City's demise into a nanny state. I'll post further on Bloomberg's policies in the near future.

No wonder the MSM and the Dems are pulling out all the stops on Thompson. This week alone we've had at least two unsavory reports about him. Look for plenty more in the near future.

Come on, Mr. Thompson...get that official ball rolling, before your early supporters get tired of waiting.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 08:20 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | Fred!

Thompson's views are centre-right. He is not ultra conservative but he opposes yet another massive amnesty for illegal immigrants that will cost 20x what the Iraq war is costing us.

He supports some some restrictions on abortion and conservative judges. His democrat opponent supports tax funding for abortion at home and abroad and the removal of any restrictions even near infanticide abortions.

He will be tough on foreign policy but understands the world since he has been on the council of foreign relations. This will anger the extremes on the left and the right. Thats good. Most Americans want someone who listens to middle America not political geeks like us.

Thompson will appear more reasonable than a socialist former first lady with a lot more scandal in her closet than they will ever dig up about Thompson.

Posted by: joseph faux at July 13, 2007 12:48 PM

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