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July 31, 2007

Update on Anatolie

Last week, an article I wrote about Anatolie Vartosu was posted to American Thinker. Anatolie is a Romanian who had an H-1B work visa initially approved, then denied upon request for renewal.

The Greenwich Time has also picked up the story. Time is running out for Anatolie; he has until August 9th to either get an extension or pack his bags and leave.

"Right now, I'm stuck, I cannot do anything until I get an answer for the H-1B visa," said Vartosu, who does not want to return to Romania because he sees better opportunities here. "Nobody wants to go back. Like soccer, I'm going to fight until the last second to see if I can do something."

And I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Immigration is so messed up! We have our government trying to reward people who cross our borders to live here illegally, while giving the shaft to hardworking would-be immigrants who follow the rules to the letter. (He and his employer have spent $15,000 in lawyer and application fees.) Frankly, it's cr@p. The cynic in me is saying that since Romanians aren't part of a huge potential voting bloc, then Anatolie's situation is a forgettable one to our legislators.

I'll keep you posted on the outcome of this outrageous case.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 10:08 AM | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0) | Illegal Immigration

I am tempted to say "This is JUST incredible!" But sadly, it isn't anymore. I'm glad you're staying out in front of this and using whatever resources you have to make this travesty known.

Keep sounding the alarms, Pam.


Posted by: Andrea at July 31, 2007 10:28 AM

I would say we should bombard some member of Congress who is a bigtime immigration supporter (like McCain) and who also has some "juice" on Anatolie's behalf. Intervention from someone who votes on FUNDING for INS might weigh in his favor.

Posted by: Gayle Miller at July 31, 2007 10:34 AM

That's what he gets for trying to go by the rules instead of sneaking in and waiting for amnesty.

Posted by: Van Helsing at July 31, 2007 02:51 PM

linked at my site. This is my Trackback--lol)

Posted by: THIRDWAVEDAVE at July 31, 2007 04:18 PM

Well that was painful - I just sent e-mails to both of our duly elected Senators in Connecticut:

"It would be greatly appreciated if you could assist with the extension of Anatolie Vartosu's H-1B work visa. I can vouch for his character and integrity and the fact that he faithfully followed the letter of the law and paid whatever financial fees were required.

"His loss will be felt at Jack Rabbit's gym - Anatolie has directly affected development and reputation of the gym, and his loss will affect their bottom line and performance.

"I find it upsetting that both senators from Connecticut were quite willing to vote yes recently for an immigration bill that would have allowed millions of "undocumented workers" to literally jump ahead of Anatolie who has willingly and enthusiastically paid his dues.

"Please see the article at the Greenwich Times.

I'm expecting an immediate response. Hold your breath now.

Posted by: husband-dude at July 31, 2007 07:13 PM

Immigration is so messed up! We have our government trying to reward people who cross our borders to live here illegally, while giving the shaft to hardworking would-be immigrants who follow the rules to the letter.

Right on, Pam. You're not being a cynic, you're viewing the situation correctly. Politicians make special allowances when they believe it will result in future votes for them, and that's precisely what's been driving amnesty for illegal Mexican immigrants: millions of potential votes.

Thanks for pushing this one and looking out for what's right.

Posted by: Reverse_Vampyr at August 1, 2007 10:40 AM

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