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August 07, 2007

Obama, Clinton on Outs

Newt Gingrich made the prediction that there would be some combination of an Obama/Clinton presidential ticket in 2008. Could he have been wrong?

The tension between the two Democratic presidential hopefuls, which has spilled into public view in the last three weeks, has been intensifying since January. It is clear that the genteel decorum of the Senate has given way to the go-for-the-jugular instinct of the campaign trail.

As the Senate held late sessions of back-to-back votes before its summer break, the two rivals kept a careful eye on each other as they moved across the Senate floor. For more than two hours one night, often while standing only a few feet apart, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama never approached each other or exchanged so much as a pleasantry.

The scene repeated itself the next evening, a departure from the clubby confines of the Senate, where even the fiercest adversaries are apt to engage in the legislative equivalent of cocktail party chitchat.

When the cameras are on them, they can make a point of showing good sportsmanship. At a Democratic forum Saturday in Chicago, Mrs. Clinton smiled and moved her hands as though she was conducting a choir when an audience of liberal bloggers sang “Happy Birthday” to Mr. Obama, who was turning 46.

By the end of the event, Mr. Obama had called her “Hillary” in a sharp tone, criticizing her for accepting contributions from lobbyists.

Darn...and I've already ordered the monogrammed cocktail napkins!

So while we might have our first woman or black presidential candidate, we likely won't have our first minority dream team candidacy...unless cooler heads prevail "for the good of the party." Not for the good of the country, but for the good of the party. You know how it is! ;-)

On a tip from Cookiewrangler!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 08:07 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) | 2008

There's an old saying vis-a-vis primary politics: He may be a son-of-a-bitch, but he's OUR son-of-a-bitch. Along with common sense, patriotism, manners, civility and decency, this is something the Dems (and to a lesser extent the Pubies) have forgotten!

Posted by: Gayle Miller at August 8, 2007 03:41 PM

I predict that no matter who gets the Dem nomination, they will select the Silk Pony, aka John Edwards, as their running mate.

Hilary won't pick Obama because she's shrewd enough to know that while the country might be willing to elect its first female president, it's highly unlikely that they'll be ready to elect the first black vice president along with her.

Similarly for Obama, he'll know that the nation might be ready for its first black president, but not alongside its first female vice president.

God help us.

Posted by: Kris, in New England at August 9, 2007 11:21 AM

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