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September 13, 2007

Update on Youssif!

Today I received an e-mail from Leela V., who works at the Children's Burn Foundation in Sherman Oaks, California. She was writing not only to thank me for highlighting Youssif's situation on my blog, but to update me on his situation:

Youssif and his family have arrived in the US and are settling into their new surroundings and adjusting to life in Los Angeles. Youssif had his first consultation with Dr. Grossman today and afterwards was treated to lunch at every kids favorite place.... McDonald's! where he was greeted by the owner of that location who kindly picked up the tab for lunch.

For those of you unaware of who Youssif is, he is a 5-year-old boy from Baghdad who, back in January, was attacked by masked men outside of his home who doused him with gasoline and set him on fire. After CNN ran a story about his plight in August, the Children's Burn Center stepped up to help him -- free of charge. My original post, which includes a link to the Center for donations, is here.

Bless the Children's Burn Center and all they do for children like Youssif. It warms the heart.


Getting the help he needs!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 06:21 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Good News

Has any added attention been brought to the forefront about the cowards who did this? Are they "wanted" at all? Is anyone investigating to find them?

Additionally, I'm wondering if anyone has given thought to the idea that the family, who is now internationally spotlighted, will be in greater danger upon their return to Iraq. Can they seek asylum in the US? I wonder what the requirements are if they are thinking that far into the future.

Regardless, I'm so thankful this boy finally has the help he needs. I'm sick at heart everytime I see his picture. I just wonder if the cowards who did this are seeing the exposure and if they are proud of their work.

They shall reap what they sow.


Posted by: Amy at September 14, 2007 12:11 PM

I don't know about the monsters who did this...I rather doubt they will be found. My instinct tells me (with no fact to back it up, mind you; these are just my thoughts) that this was done as a warning...Youssif's father was some kind of security guard. Perhaps in retaliation for any kind of cooperation with the evil Americans?

Regardless, I am glad Youssif is getting the care he needs. And I hope his family is able to seek asylum here should they so choose.

Posted by: Pam at September 14, 2007 04:18 PM

Ms. Pam,

Have you heard anything new on Youssif? CNN does not report his condition anymore. I don't understand why they forsook the story. Can you email your friend at the burn center????


Posted by: Amy at November 9, 2007 03:55 PM

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