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October 23, 2007

Harry Reid Filed for Cloture on DREAM Act?

According to an e-mail from Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid filed for cloture on the DREAM Act, which would mean it could go to vote on Wednesday:

Our Capitol Hill Team just contacted me and reported that Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev.) has just filed for "cloture" on S. 2205 (the DREAM Act amnesty).

If Americans don't phone Tuesday until the switchboard shuts down, it looks like we're going to have a brand new amnesty for illegal aliens coming out of the Senate later this week.


Phone Senate Switchboard

Click here for more from the NumbersUSA website.

I haven't seen this reported anywhere else, but if it's on the money, you need to contact your senators today!

The DREAM (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act) is a path to citizenship for illegal alien students and those who want to join the US Military. The idea behind it is that the children have no control over the fact that their parents dragged them here illegally, and that they should be given a break. It's true that they have no control over their parents' actions, but if they receive special treatment, it's simply a matter of time before the next group receives it, and so on. At that point, why not just throw the doors open and let anyone in who wants to come? It's what a lot of these people are fighting for anyway.

We were able to shut down the last amnesty bill, and we can do it again.

Get the word out!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 07:30 AM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0) | Illegal Immigration

So you think there should be no path to citizenship? Even for kids or people who join the military? Really?

Posted by: Ro at October 23, 2007 08:03 PM

Ro, if the kids joined the military, they can gain citizenship AND a GI Bill.

Therefore, the DREAM Act is still not necessary.

I called and faxed both my Senators! Mikulski and Cardin - both embarrassments to Marylanders and the US Senate as a whole!

Posted by: Aaron Arnwine at October 24, 2007 05:47 AM

I completely disagree, there's nothing that proves the "next" group will just be granted a legal status. These are kids who are willing to help our country by either getting an education or joining the military. These are stories of kids who grew up in the states and are as American as their peers with the exception of having a US birth certificate. Many of these kids are well educated and strive for a better future, why not help those who deserve it the most.

Posted by: Cynthia at October 24, 2007 12:49 PM

Cynthia, from personal experience, I've been fighting a 500 bill from University of Maryland because even though I live and paid taxes in the state for two years, they said I needed a Maryland driver's license. So I couldn't afford the out of state bill of $5000 for the semester of four classes and dropped them all.

But because I did it on the second day of classes, they say I still owe them the OUT OF STATE surcharge for dropping late of 10% - $500.

Please explain why illegal aliens should get instate tuition when I cannot. Will the dream act pay for my fee?


And it is not "noble" to come to this country and want to be educated. It's called stealing. They should be thankful for the 20 grand taxpayers spent to educate them through high school for free.

ungrateful brat bastards.

Posted by: aaron at October 24, 2007 07:19 PM

so aaron, you dropped the classes late and are now trying to weasel out of paying the fee?

if you lived in maryland and paid taxes why couldn't you get a driver's license? according to the maryland dmv you're supposed to get one within 60 days of arrival if you've moved to maryland from another state.

these children did nothing wrong. they were either brought to this country without being able to consent to the decision or were born in this country. why shouldn't they be eligible for the same benefits as citizens when they too were born here? and shouldn't the brave men and women who serve in our armed services be granted the same benefits despite their immigration status? i mean, they did sacrifice for their (OUR) country.

Posted by: steve at October 24, 2007 07:25 PM

Cynthia: Your rhetorical question of who is more American? A person born here is. (However, the spate of anchor babies calls that into question and should urgently be redefined).

Speaking for myself only, a Denaina indian from Alaska- I am MORE American than a person not legal no matter their age or how assimilated they may be. See the logic? If I went to Mexico and made a case that I had assimilated well there, now give me a bunch of rights, (or else). Quite laughable.

It may seem to some a hardened view to some but I resent our prior generous spirit being "played" by bathos and unclear, sentimental blather.

Posted by: legalonly at October 25, 2007 11:30 AM

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