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December 13, 2007

Fred Thompson Rocks at Des Moines Debate

Seeing as it was on during the day, I couldn't watch the Des Moines Register Republican debate yesterday, but I've seen the highlight clips and read the reviews, and from what I can see, Fred Thompson absolutely kicked butt. Will it be enough to give him a much-needed surge? I don't know, but I'm thrilled that he gave such a great performance. He was funny, engaging and specific about his stance on the issues.

His "no hand shows" quip about the global warming question has been compared to Ronald Reagan's "I'm paying for this micophone" comment during a debate in New Hampshire during the 1980 campaign. Reagan recollected: "I may have won the debate, the primary - and the nomination -- right there." True for Fred? Again, time will tell.

FRedStates.com created a video with audio clips and photo stills from yesterday, combined with commentary from such conservative luminaries as Rich Lowry, Dean Barnett and Mark Hemingway. Enjoy!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 04:52 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | Fred!

While many believe that the Thompson campaign has been stalled for weeks, I believe that he has been biding his time. He recognizes that all the candidates got into the game far too early and that the American populace is rather bored with it all right now.

He's heating up now, just in time for the primaries next month. He's getting alot of press right now for standing tall and talking deeply about specifics - probably because everyone had counted him out.

Time to count him back in - he's just getting started.

Posted by: Kris, in New England at December 14, 2007 10:30 AM

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