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January 04, 2008

Iowa Voters Say "Neigh" to the Dark Horse Candidate: Chris Dodd Returns to Work

It's the end of an era.

Chris Dodd entered the presidential race with a fizzle and left with a whimper. After physically moving to Iowa for several months to woo caucus goers there, he's decided it ain't so bad being our senator after all, and returns to his duties with his head held high and his tail tucked between his legs.

During his speech to supporters last night, Dodd said, "This evening Democrats sent a clear message that this party is united in our belief that our nation needs change to restore our security, our middle class and all that makes this country great."

They also sent a clear message that they didn't want him. Heh.

He spent the last year campaigning, as he announced his candidacy on January 12, 2007. During that time there have been 442 Senate votes. Out of those votes, Dodd missed a total of 166. That's 37%, more than one third. (I know because I counted!) What the heck are we paying him for, anyway?

Sure, you say, he was busy campaigning for president. But can you imagine your boss being happy if you missed out on one third of your scheduled workdays because you were busy interviewing for another job? Can you say "canned" boys and girls? When we, members of the lower orders, look for new employment, we do it on our own time. I think the same should apply for elected officials who decide they want to run for a more prestigious office: they should resign from their current office (or not run for re-election) before jumping into another race.

But don't expect them to pass that resolution any time soon.

As for "dark horse" Chris Dodd, he's doing what I said he would way back when: heading back to his cushy job as Connecticut's other senator. He and his trophy wife will come back with their two kids and it'll be life as usual.

Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be back up for election in 2010. I can see his slogan now: "Connecticut's good enough for me!"


Back in the saddle

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Posted by Pam Meister at 08:17 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Connecticut Issues

Say it isn't so!! I don't want Dudd "back to work" At least when he was living in Iowa, he wasn't doing any harm to the rest of us. Now that he's back, we will have to hear the angriest man in Congress complain about something or other.

Posted by: NewtownMark at January 4, 2008 10:42 AM

You know, there was a lot of talk about the resignation of office when Bob Dole did it, the media actually said that it was the law at that time. Of course, you had four Democrat Senators that all sought the nomination this year as well as one representative and a governor.

Somehow, I think that all Democrat Senators should be required to run for President every election cycle. I simply do not want them in Washington at all.

Posted by: Two Dogs at January 4, 2008 10:59 AM

The country's loss is now just CT's loss.

He's like Teddy Kennedy - he's been in office so long no one thinks about him anymore.

Posted by: Kris, in New England at January 4, 2008 11:49 AM

Can we prohibit Dodd and Biden from running anymore. They announce, get trounced, then slither back to their holes.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at January 5, 2008 01:11 PM

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