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February 04, 2008

Gonna Stay Home on November 4th? DON'T!

Burt Prelutsky nails it:

I would have voted for [Giuliani] if he hadn’t bowed out, but that doesn’t mean that if Romney, Huckabee or even John McCain, gets the nomination, I plan to stay home and sulk on election day.

I happen to think that people who support Clinton or Obama have a screw loose, but they strike me as being far more rational than my fellow Republicans who are threatening to boycott the election if their favorite candidate doesn’t head up the ticket. I can’t tell you how many people have written to me insisting that they’re sick and tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I understand that they’re trying to convey their frustration, but I can’t help sniffing the undeniable stench of self-righteousness.

What truly confounds me are those cuckoos who would prefer to see such Socialists as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama win the election than to sully themselves by voting for a Republican who was only their second or third or even fourth choice. To them I say, before proving that you place your own ego gratification above what’s best for America, keep in mind that most of the Supreme Court justices are in their 70s or even, in the case of John Paul Stewart, fast approaching 90. Do you really want one of those two Democrats stacking the Court for the foreseeable future? Presidents come and go, but justices go on seemingly forever. Kennedy and Scalia have been on the bench since Reagan put them there. Stevens, for heaven’s sake, was appointed during the Ice Age.

Thank you Burt!!!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 12:27 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | GOP

Why is Romney never considered when it comes to national defense/WOT? That's the one selling point for McCain. Romney's name is never mentioned, which implies, by default, that he would not be any good.


Posted by: Kitty at February 5, 2008 09:52 AM

I wouldn't be too sure about McCain putting a qualified justice on SCOTUS. Remember that he is an enemy of the Constitution, as is evidenced by McCain-Feingold, which threw the 1st Amendment out the window.

McCain, Hitlery!(tm), or the Empty Suit (Oblah-ma) would bring disaster to the nation. Better that a real Dim-ocrat get blamed for it then a supposed-Republican getting the blame.

Posted by: The Crawfish at February 6, 2008 09:30 PM

It's too late. Blame Bush for Hillary.

Posted by: mudkitty at February 7, 2008 12:08 AM

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