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February 08, 2008

John McCain at CPAC

Wow, I'm so tired...not getting enough sleep. I'm attending CPAC in Washington D.C., where thousands of people are converging to discuss the issues with some of the biggest names in conservatism.

The president will speak in an hour, but I won't be there...I'm not actually staying at the hotel where CPAC is being held, and so I'd have to have gotten up at an ungodly hour to get in line for the security check and metal detectors at 5. I'm sorry to miss it, but I'd be an absolute mess if I attempted it, and I'm sure the line is practically out the door. So I'll content myself with the fact that I saw Dick Cheney speak yesterday.

I also saw John McCain speak, and wrote about his national security stance for Family Security Matters this morning. A completely unrelated article was supposed to run on Pajamas Media today, but apprently was bumped because of Mitt Romney's unexpected exit speech yesterday (which I heard but didn't see; we couldn't make it into the main ballroom and ended up in a spillover room with a large TV...and I was behind a pillar and couldn't even see the TV). So perhaps my PJ article will run tomorrow; I don't know.

In any case, I'm off for more excitement today. And my diet is totally off the rails; I'll try to pick up the pieces today, but don't bet the farm. I'll have another update later this weekend.

Oh, and Mark Steyn? Brilliant and witty speaker. I recommend him!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 06:35 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) | FSM

How's the McPain thing working out for you?

Posted by: mudkitty at February 8, 2008 04:37 PM

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