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May 23, 2008

Conservatism Dead? Fred Says NO!

Fred Thompson, writing for the Wall Street Journal today, says that the death of conservativism is greatly exaggerated:

These were the principles relied upon by our Founding Fathers, and which paved the way for a Constitution that delineated the powers of the central government, established checks and balances among its branches, and further diffused its power through a system of federalism. These principles led to a market economy, the primacy of the rule of law and the abolition of slavery. They also helped to establish liberal trade policies and to meld idealism and realism in our foreign and military policies.

The power of conservative principles is borne out in the most strong, prosperous and free country in the history of the world. In the U.S., basic constitutional government has been preserved, foreign tyrannies have been defeated, our failed welfare system was reformed, and the confiscatory income tax rates of a few decades ago have been substantially reduced. This may be why the party where most conservatives reside, the Republican Party, has won seven of the last 10 presidential elections.

He goes on to remind conservatives of several key points regarding economics, education and the free market. Be sure to read the whole thing.

John McCain might want to think about snapping him up for a cabinet position...the man really knows where it's at.

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