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June 17, 2008

More MoveOn.Org Scare Tactics: You Can't Have My Baby!

Check out the latest election ad from MoveOn.org (funded in part by "one worlder" George Soros). Is this the latest "daisy" ad?

"You can't have him." Well, lady, here's a hint: John McCain will not be president in 18 years, even if he wins this election. So unless a future president decides to institute the draft by then, you won't have to worry that little Alex will be torn away from his Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program at college. He'll also have plenty of time to go snowboarding, mountain biking, and do all of the other fun stuff that young men in his position in life get to enjoy during vacation while mommy and daddy foot the bills.

I certainly hope there will be no more need to send soldiers off to war by the time another 18 years roll around. But don't worry, lady. If that is the case, someone else's son will be there to do the heavy lifting, while little Alex attends anti-war protests for extra credit from his English Lit professor while sporting a Che t-shirt and goatee and eating soy nuts. Your precious Alex will enjoy all that and more, courtesy of the U.S. military that you so obviously despise.

John McCain "can't have" her baby. Frankly, if he turns out to be anything like she is, let's thank our lucky stars.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 09:39 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | 2008

Wow, I am getting old, I remember when women wouldn't go check the mail looking like that. Want to bet that is NOT her child?

Posted by: Two Dogs at June 17, 2008 08:31 PM

What a thoroughly asinine ad!

It's completely dumb in that it assumes that the nutroots are so stupid that they can't reason at least a little bit the way you do Pam (okay - that MIGHT be the case) but Obama doesn't need to convince THEM because they're moronic enough to vote for him, like lemmings heading mindlessly into the sea. And it's an egregious insult to anyone whose IQ exceeds that of plant life since it assumes that we can't figure it out either - and WE can!

Well, if Obama's campaign keeps up their ham-handed nonsense (Obama giving ORDERS to the duly elected President of Iraq; choosing his running mate's chief of staff - talk about hubris - and choosing campaign workers who are (to say the least) pretty doggone tainted!

And it's only JUNE!

Posted by: Gayle Miller at June 18, 2008 08:28 AM


You hit it right on the head, unfortunaly most of the people that ad would have any effect on have the the logic of your basic gnat.

I also find it really amazing that this is an all VOLUTEER ARMY!!! Let's follow little Alex in say 18 years and find out where he ends up, my bet sitting in the corner of a dorm room stoned and crying that his parents are now on ther third marriges!

While I'm on a roll - We are still in Germany, Korea and Japan...

Posted by: NewtownMark at June 19, 2008 03:31 PM

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