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January 16, 2009

Robert Spencer on ‘Stealth Jihad’

Wednesday, I attended a luncheon in NYC where Robert Spencer was speaking about stealth Jihad, the subject of his latest book. I wrote about it for FSM:

Those of us who get the bulk of our news from the Internet are probably aware of pro-Hamas rallies that have taken place across the nation over the last couple of weeks. To name just a couple: in Los Angeles, the Islamists chanted “Heil Hitler,” “death to the Jews,” “death to Israel” and “down, down, USA!” In Fort Lauderdale, Jews were exhorted to “go back to the ovens.” As Spencer noted, “Never before in American history have we seen people openly, on American soil, and in full light of video cameras, saying that they want to see a renewal of a genocidal ambition, and they want to see a whole people exterminated.”

So where was the mainstream media? Aside from a story on the Fort Lauderdale event on FOX News, they were nowhere to be seen. I understand the thrill of covering Michelle Obama’s plans for redecorating the White House and the Obama children’s first day at their new school, but one would think rallies that advocate genocide might garner a little interest from the free press that prides itself on bringing us all the news we need to know. As a result of their negligence, many Americans remain in the dark. “This ought to be the largest story of the last 20 years,” said Spencer. So why isn’t it?

Read it all here.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 11:12 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) | FSM

Because the sheeple in this country don't want to know about anything that may cause them to use their brain for anything but a skull expander to keep it from imploding. Those people that report that Bush's Government was too restrictive will have one hell of a time explaining how Barry's Government will have to do to get a handle on this kind of crap to keep it in check. MUD

Posted by: MUD at January 19, 2009 10:12 AM

Recently I listened to a recorded talk by the author of God's War on Terror by Walid Shoebat. He presents compelling evidence for a paradigm shift in Bible prophecy, namely that the endtime world government of the antichrist will be Muslim. The rumors of hidden guillotines in America have remained no more than rumors. However Muslims behead their enemies which could account for the mass beheadings mentioned in Revelation. The book Stealth Jihad just adds weight to Walid's book. People better wake up. More info about Walid's book is posted on my blog for January 17th.

Posted by: Steven at January 21, 2009 06:44 PM

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