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April 02, 2009

Dodd Continues Freefall in the Polls

So confident was he that he could win the Democrat nomination for president in 2008, he moved his family to Iowa before that state's caucus to suck up to the locals. Looks like he should have stayed at home to suck up to us:

Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd trails former U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons, a possible Republican challenger, 50 - 34 percent in the 2010 Senate race, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today, as voters disapprove 58 - 33 percent of the job the Democratic incumbent is doing, his lowest approval rating ever.

Matched against two other possible Republican challengers, Sen. Dodd trails both State Sen. Sam Caligiuri 41 - 37 percent and former ambassador Tom Foley 43 - 35 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds.

In the Dodd-Simmons matchup, Democrats back Dodd by only 58 - 27 percent while Simmons leads 87 - 6 percent among Republicans and 56 - 25 percent among independent voters.

The incumbent's approval is down from 49 - 44 percent March 10.


A total of 35 percent of voters say they definitely or probably will vote for Dodd for reelection next year, while 59 percent say they probably won't or definitely won't vote for him.

The number of indpendents who would vote for "the other guy" is significant, because Connecticut has more independent voters than either Democrats or Republicans (the following statistics are from November 2008):

The total number of registered voters in Connecticut is 2,097,635. The largest group of registered voters in Connecticut is unaffiliated, accounting for 883,274 voters. There are 779,784 registered Democrats and 427,020 registered Republicans.

Sure, it's possible that Dodd could rebound, but it's also possible that he won't. Rob Simmons has a chance to get more than just a foot in the door, and if he's savvy, he'll take his chance.

From what I hear, Simmons leans to the left socially - which doesn't thrill me - but if he can oust Chris "Special Interest" Dodd, then more power to him.


Who's in the doghouse?

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