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July 07, 2005

The Religion of Peace Strikes Again

This time, in London. The Secret Organization of Al Quaeda in Europe takes responsibility for the rush hour blasts today in London subway tunnels and buses.

"Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan," said the statement, which was translated by The Associated Press in Cairo.


"We continue to warn the governments of Denmark and Italy and all crusader governments that they will receive the same punishment if they do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan," the statement went on.

No doubt the pacifist Left will call for troop pullouts and more bowing and scraping.

Meanwhile, at least two people are known dead, and 150 injured.

Tony Blair left the G8 Summit early because of the blasts and had this to say:

"It's important, however, that those engaged in terrorism realize that our determination to defend our values and our way of life is greater than their determination to cause death and destruction to innocent people and a desire to impose extremism on the world," an emotional Blair told the world.

"Whatever they do, it is our determination that they will never succeed destroying what we hold dear in this country and in other civilizations in the world."

Thank heaven for strong leaders.

I have friends who live and work in London. Thankfully, they are okay. What we need to realize is that even if Britain and others were to pull out, it wouldn't be the end...it would only be the beginning. The goal of the Islamofascists is not to get us out of the Middle East, but to spread radical Islam throughout the world by any means possible.

We cannot give in.

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