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July 07, 2005

More on London Bombings

Michelle Malkin is blogging furiously today...please check out her site for up-to-the-minute information.

Lifelike Pundits also has some posts by Aaron you should check out.

Security in NYC is much tighter today than in recent days...lots of cops and National Guardsmen out and about. I won't worry too much, because when you're number's up, it's up.

Apparently some of the theories on the Left include the White House being behind the bombings in order to take the heat off of Karl Rove. A connection to Gitmo has been made, and of course, there's the usual baloney that if the West weren't so greedy and grabby, the Middle East wouldn't be "retaliating" out of frustration.


I don't usually like to swear online, but this is just ludicrous. The ISLAMOFASCISTS who are behind this only care about spreading radical Islam throughout the globe. If they have to bomb us all to do it, they will. And the pantywaists on the Left who cry for "understanding" and "peace" really don't know what the hell they're talking about.

Remember that miniseries from the '80s called V? Where the aliens who invaded Earth were really not here to be our pals, but to kidnap us to use as a food source? Remember the humans who sucked up to the aliens in order to save their own butts? That's who the Left reminds me of.

This won't end by us rolling over and playing dead. They want us dead.

But let me tell you, Britain is not Spain (or France). They won't take this lying down. The Islamofascists behind this picked the wrong target. History shows that Britain defends itself when it's attacked. Once the dead are buried, the fighting spirit will emerge. So good luck to anyone who ticks them off.

It ain't over by a long shot.

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