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July 04, 2005

Happy 4th of July!

It's a great day to be an American! Our country turns 229 today. Many of us are celebrating by having picnics, going to the beach, splashing in the pool, or heading for the mall to take advantage of a sale. Fireworks are also being held in many communities tonight...fireworks that recall the firefights of battles fought during our country's quest for independence.

Some people today see America as the sum of her imperfect past. Yes, we have had imperfections--slavery and the subsequent treatment of black Americans after their emancipation being foremost in the minds of many. But we as a people and as a nation continue to strive for improvement. To remember the less savory parts of our history is one thing. To dwell upon it to the exclusion of what good we've accomplished is another.

America stands for freedom. We are trying to bring that beacon of freedom to others. Unfortunately, some refuse to recognize what we are trying to accomplish. Idiots like Michael Moore dare to equate our country's fight for independence from England with the murderous activities of the Islamofascists in Iraq. A few disgruntled Iraqis, along with scores of other likeminded bigots from elsewhere in the Middle East, want to plunge Iraq back into the Dark Ages. The majority of Iraqis have spoken...they stated their intentions loud and clear during their election on January 30. They want a peaceful democracy, just as our forefathers did in 1776.

Freedom comes with a price. The men (and women) in our armed forces realize this. They are willing to put their lives on the line each and every day in order to keep those freedoms that so many of us take for granted! Today, we need to take a moment from our cookouts and beach parties in order to thank them for their service to us. It's because of them that Hollywood celebrities, Michael Moore, leaders of the Democratic party and others have the right to constantly harp and criticize.

So happy birthday, America, and God bless those who fight to keep not only our freedom, but to help bring freedom to others around the world.

Other thoughts this Independence Day: "This is Independence Day, so pull yourself UP to the ideals set by the founders of this great nation." ~ Two Dogs over at Mean Ol' Meany.

Do you understand the memo? Sign here please... Third Wave Dave.

Jeff says the MSM is trying to transform lead into gold like the alchemists of yesteryear. Find out how here.

"The Americans are the first and only people who, faced with a system of oppression, chose liberty instead of another form of oppression." ~ Tom at hamstermotor.

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