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February 10, 2006

Border Issues

With all of the focus on Muslim rioting over cartoons and our thoughts of support for Denmark, it's sometimes easy to forget what's going on here at home.

At the 33rd annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Senator John Cronyn said that our border with Mexico needs to be treated as a national security issue. From the Washington Times:

"We are proud to be a nation of immigrants ... but we are also a nation of laws," said Mr. Cornyn, warning that other nations, including Mexico, must "have respect for this country's laws and our nation's sovereignty."

He said human traffickers, drug smugglers and criminal gangs from Brazil, China and other countries are "using Mexico as a point of entry into the United States."

Mr. Cornyn, whose appearance capped a morning of speeches and panel discussions devoted to border issues, drew applause when he said he would push for a Senate bill to provide "a comprehensive solution" to U.S. immigration problems "that does not include amnesty."

Absolutely. But just you wait for the accusations of bigotry and racism to come flying.

In a related article from the WTimes, Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff is assigning nearly $1 billion of next year's budget toward more Border Patrol agents, electronic surveillance and other security measures.

"There has been an over-100 percent increase in the last fiscal year in border violence aimed at our Border Patrol agents, and that ranges from gunshots fired across the border to rocks being thrown, sometimes flaming rocks, and let me tell you, rockings are serious," Mr. Chertoff said at a press conference in Washington.

"We are not going to tolerate this kind of behavior ... if they think they're going to back us down or chase us away, the answer to that is no. Our Border Patrol is properly trained. They have rules of engagement. They are entitled to defend themselves. They will defend themselves. We will support them in applying these rules of engagement," he said.

Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar noted there had already been 192 assaults on his agents since the start of the new fiscal year in October.

This nonsense needs to stop. Not only are these people violating our laws, but some are bringing drugs and other contraband into the country. Let's not forget too, that al Qaeda operatives have a golden opportunity to slip through our southern border if holes continue to be left unplugged.

Wake up and smell the coffee, people!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 10:51 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) | Homeland Security
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