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March 07, 2006

Picking and Choosing a Cause

Some feel that conservatives are a bit, well, hypocritical in the recent spate of support for Denmark regarding freedom of speech and the publishing of Muhammed cartoons that have caused (well planned) rioting throughout Europe.

You know what's funny? American conservatives generally hate Europe. Especially France, of course, but the loathing is generally quite continental. Europe may have given birth to Western Civilization, but now it's a socialist secular wasteland that's rapidly sinking into oblivion and irrelevance, that is, in essence, becoming extinct, dying. At best, conservatives want Europe to be more American, hence their enthusiastic support of Italian conservative Silvio Berlusconi and German conservative Angela Merkel. Indeed, it wasn't so long ago that they enthusiastically supported a French conservative by the name of Jacques Chirac.


So how funny it is, in an odd sort of way, to see conservatives falling all over themselves in support of that great European power, Denmark, just because a Danish newspaper published a few provocatively offensive cartoons that belittled Islam (see here, here, and here). It's a case of free speech, conservatives argue, but the fact that speech is free, and ought to remain so, doesn't make it right. Are we witnessing a rush of conservative support to Holocaust-denier David Irving? Not so much. But conservatives are jumping gleefully aboard their self-made pro-Denmark bandwagon — see here, here, and here.

The Moderate Voice makes some interesting points. I'd like to address them. This is a long post; you'll need a few minutes to read it if you can spare the time.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 10:45 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Commentary

Excellent post!

Posted by: cookiewrangler at March 8, 2006 09:34 AM

At the moment, I don't have time to read the Moderate Voice post, but just a couple of things...

I don't think American Conservatives "hate" Europe, we are just extremely disappointed in them, especially in light of the American blood shed during WWII and the Cold War and the billions of taxpayer dollars (from our parents and grandparents) that contributed to the rebuilding of Europe after WWII. Some of that "developmental lag" may be due to the lingering effects of Eastern-bloc socialism, Old European socialism, and old tribal conflicts that erupted in the post-Soviet power vacuum.

And I don't think that most Americans want Europe to "become American" either, we just want Europe to adopt some of our successful behaviors and practices, so they can experience some success and get off that jealousy-driven "hatred" they have towards the United States.

Posted by: joe-6-pack at March 8, 2006 12:46 PM

Most Europeans don't hate Americans, contrary to your assertion. Most America bashing isn't jealousy, it is anger that our culture is spreading over there and taking over their's (McD's, BK, Starbucks, etc.).

They have the same problem with Arab immigrants, so it has nothing to do with us being an upstart colony. You're so far off base I had to pick you off.

Posted by: paul at March 9, 2006 09:07 PM

Oh? Then they shouldn't buy crap that they don't want. Then it wouldn't spread, and they wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. Do we have a gun to their heads telling them to buy Levis and Big Macs? Hardly. The market will not support what people will not pay for. If they don't like it, they have only themselves to blame.

And if they're angry about what's happening with Arab immigrants, why didn't they tighten their immigration laws earlier? Why didn't they make more of an effort to mainstream the Arabs? What does Arab immigration have to do with their attitude toward America? Again, their own policies are their own undoing.

Oh, and I don't need to be "off base" for you to pick me off. You do it out of habit.

Posted by: Pam at March 10, 2006 05:48 AM
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