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June 26, 2006

Monday Moonbattery

Is there a full moon coming up soon? The news from the left seems to be getting loonier all the time:

Valley of the Wolves, the anti-American film that Turkish filmgoers ate up earlier this year, makes its stateside debut at a Muslim film festival in that moonbat haven, San Francisco. How fitting that it should first be seen in America in a city that, if it could, would probably secede.

Jack Murtha is taking advantage of his newfound popularity, and now says that the U.S. is the biggest threat to world peace. He continues to prattle on about the (as yet unproven) coverup in Haditha, the event that got him national recognition, and was quoted as saying, "[The United States] became the target when Abu Ghraib came along." Of course, the fact that the unpatriotic MSM and unpatriotic Dems (yes, I said it!) pushed that envelope as far as it could had nothing to do with Abu Ghraib becoming a firestorm...

Finally, Michelle Malkin has more info on why the NYT decided to out the (up until now) successful bank transaction tracking program that has helped our government agencies find terrorists. In a nutshell? The NYT has appointed itself as a public watchdog in "knowing what the government is up to." Hey, if the government is doing something right as far as keeping terrorist attacks from our shores, I really don't want to know how they're doing it.

But the people at the NYT are like the sycophantic humans on the old V miniseries from the '80s: when aliens come to Earth "in peace." Despite proof that these aliens are really on Earth to steal its water supply, these suck-ups would rather continue to fawn at the aliens' feet in order to save their own skins. Hmmm...

My question is: if the NYT is watching the government, who is watching the NYT?

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Posted by Pam Meister at 09:54 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Leftwing Lunacy

"if the NYT is watching the government, who is watching the NYT?"

We are.

Posted by: JimK at June 26, 2006 10:09 PM

I have never doubted that if Earth were invaded by aliens from outer space, liberals would side with the aliens. Worse yet, they would be sanctimonious about it.

Posted by: Van Helsing at June 27, 2006 05:46 AM

Hopefully, the IRS will be watching the NYT verrrrrrry closely. And by "closely," I mean "up their asses with a microscope." Literally as well as figuratively.

Posted by: reverse_vampyr at June 27, 2006 09:05 AM
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