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June 30, 2006

Why Is It Always Bush's Fault?

I am waiting for the moonbats to start saying that the terrible flooding going on in upstate New York and parts of Pennsylvania and Maryland is the fault of President Bush. After all, Katrina was his fault...why not the torrential rains that have caused states of emergency this past week?

This rant was triggered by a conversation I just had with a co-worker. He said he was recently on an Amtrak train that was delayed for 10 hours due to a track problem (I looked online for a story about it but was unable to find it). When I commented that perhaps if Amtrak were to be privatized and taken out of the hands of the government it might become a better-run system, he said, "I heard Bush owns Amtrak."

Uh huh.

I am tired of people hating a president so much that they will blame him for anything, including weather-related tragedy and government entities that existed well before his presidency. Dislike his policies, dislike the man. But don't blame him for things that are not under his direct control. This kind of lunacy is counterproductive.

Amtrak ought to be privatized. So should state-run train lines like Metro North, New Jersey Transit and the Long Island Railroad. Commuters like me pay big bucks and are often treated to dirty cars with no lights, no air conditioning or heat (depending on the season), and disgusting lavatories. Private industry depends on consumers being happy with the product and aim to please. State-run industry knows it will get its money no matter what, and so doesn't have to go that extra mile. (Example: when was the last time someone at the DMV or post office made your visit a pleasant experience?)

Thanks...end rant.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 10:49 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) | Leftwing Lunacy
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