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December 10, 2006

Artist Crucifies Santa

Another crunchy-granola wannabe has crucified Santa in hopes of denouncing Christmas consumerism:

A Canadian artist has incurred the wrath of his neighbours with his Christmas decoration – a rather fetching display in his garden, in which Santa appears crucified on a cross.


Wright defended his sculpture as making a point about the commercialisation of Christmas: 'Santa represents frivolous consumption. That's all he is. He shot Jesus right out of the saddle. He's the focus of Christmas.'

'I don't know how it came into my mind but I thought I'm going to take Santa Claus and I'm going to crucify him,' he added.

I'll bet I know how it came into his mind: he's probably a little-known artist who was looking for a way to come up with some free publicity for his "avante garde" work. And, at the expense of the cherished fantasies of children everywhere, he has.

Wright's not completely lacking in brains, however he might be lacking in taste:

'It's a funny feeling when I'm sitting in my hot tub, looking out this way, and I'm trying to make a statement to everybody to slow down on what they can consume, and I'm in a 6,400-square-foot home,' he noted.

It's interesting to note that those who are the most dedicated to denouncing consumerism are those who are the most caught up in it. Because they feel some kind of emotional void in their lives, they feel they must dictate to the rest of us how to live. It's the essential essence of leftism.

True artistic statement or publicity stunt?

h/t: Moonbattery

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