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January 11, 2007


of the comments I've received regarding my article today at The American Thinker (all spelling original):

regarding ms. pelosis's swearing in:

you are aware of the difficulties in getting the bush family together for such a foto, dont u?
making arrangements with probation officers, drug counslelors and the like?

go f*** urselves, u whinning pissants!!!!

ed grimley

Thanks Ed...I didn't know you were still around. How's the wedgie going? (Spokane...what a surprise!)

"Apparently only Democrats are allowed to use children as public relations tools."

Perhaps you didn't notice that on the day in question, Nancy Pelosi was not the only one to "use" children. Even Republicans (gasp) were allowed to bring their families to the floor on that opening day, as is tradition. Get your facts straight. Having children present during a heated debate as a ploy for the topic at hand is not the same thing.

Lisa Ehrhardt

Perhaps I didn't notice because so much of the attention that day was on Pelosi...and the media gushfest before and after didn't exactly help. As for the child Santorum wanted to have on the floor during the abortion debate, he claimed she wanted to be there, and I would assume her mother would have had to give permission. Do I approve of Santorum's idea? Not necessarily. However, I stand by the point I made. Thanks, though, for not using profanity (and props for not using a fake name).

There have been favorable comments as well (thanks Andrea, Kitty, and "learner"), but you just can't beat the unfavorable ones for entertainment value!

Gee, I'm beginning to get a feel for what people like John Hawkins and Michelle Malkin have to deal with (on a much smaller scale, of course!).

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