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January 11, 2007

Dodd is In

Yes, folks, it's true...the news you've been waiting for: Connecticut's other senator, Chris Dodd (D), will be filing the necessary paperwork today to become a candidate for the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee. He said problems at home and abroad encouraged him to "get out of the bleachers and onto the arena floor." (Plus, I hear the reclining desk chair in the Oval Office is really comfy.)

Dodd has forged strong ties with labor unions, advocated fiscal accountability for corporations and championed education and other children's issues. This month, he became chairman of the influential Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee and is a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Let's not forget Dodd's recent trip to the Middle East (one not sanctioned by the administration, who sets foreign policy), and his call on Syria's president, who is persona non grata at the Bush White House.

For those of you unfamiliar with Dodd, a Washington regular for over 30 years, here's his voting record. He's a real liberal's liberal, voting heavily in accordance with NARAL's wishes and, as cited above, he has major union ties.

Oh, and did you know that he served in the Army Reserves during Vietnam? I wonder how that will be handled by the press, which was so eager to bash President Bush for only having served in the Texas Air National Guard.

Dodd is up for re-election to his Senate seat in 2010, which means that if he doesn't end up in the Oval Office, Connecticut voters will likely return him to Washington. As a political lifer, Dodd is risking little in this bid for the presidency.

I'll be watching his candidacy closely over the next couple of years.

UPDATE (10:14 a.m.): I forgot to mention...Dodd, a major critic of the war in Iraq, originally voted "yes," now saying his vote was a "mistake." Just something to keep in mind.

You'll be seeing a lot more of this over the next
couple of years

Dodd Plans Talks With Middle East Leaders
Dodd Continues Middle East Tour

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Posted by Pam Meister at 09:12 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | 2008

The reserves thing brings to mind the FACT that John Kerry enlisted in the reserves and he was a bit unlucky as far as that was concerned. And the msm NEVER mentioned that.

Posted by: Two Dogs at January 11, 2007 11:19 AM

And why would they? It sounds so much better to say he volunteered straight away! "Reporting for duty" because he had no choice.

Posted by: Pam at January 11, 2007 11:22 AM

I'm counting on your expert analysis, Pam.

Posted by: John Ruberry at January 11, 2007 02:08 PM

Just what we needed - one of the most boring human beings on Planet Earth joining the fray! If nothing else, he'll highlight Biden's general loopiness!

Posted by: Gayle Miller at January 12, 2007 11:32 AM

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