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June 27, 2007

Snark: Hannity Shows Voinovich Up in Amnesty Debate

(Scroll down for update...)

On today's radio show, Sean Hannity caused Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH) to get hot under the collar. The man who made sure we all knew he's been in the business of legislating for "40 years!" wouldn't answer many of Hannity's questions directly, pretty much accused him of being a bully, and ended up hanging up in a huff. Hot Air helpfully provides the audio.

As Aaron said in an e-mail, it's embarrassing. The man didn't even seem to have a full handle on what he'll be voting on! And I know not everyone is a fan of Hannity's style, but if Voinovich couldn't handle himself without shouting accusations and evading questions, then what does that say about his debating points? Hannity was prepared with questions based on the bill's facts, and Voinovich essentially ran away. Not impressive behavior from an elder statesman.

Since Voinovich is the media's new darling, along with Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), because of his recent calls for the US to start pulling out of Iraq, don't be surprised if he gets sympathetic treatment from the usual suspects during tomorrow's news cycle for having been "jumped on" by Hannity.

Forty years, eh? Maybe it's time for the good senator to think about hitting the golf course -- permanently.

AMNESTY UPDATE: Via Bloomberg (h/t Drudge):

The fate of U.S. immigration legislation was cast into doubt when at least six senators who helped revive the proposed overhaul said they either oppose or are leaning against a move to permit a vote on final passage.

The measure is in more jeopardy ``than I thought a few hours ago,'' said Senator Christopher Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat.

The supporters' strategy of disposing of amendments that threatened the legislation's bipartisan support hit a procedural snag late in the day, adding to the uncertainty. The Senate refused to set aside an amendment by Montana Democrats Max Baucus and Jon Tester that would dilute requirements employers verify the identity of new workers.

Under Senate rules, Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, now can't move to consider other provisions without getting the consent of all 100 senators.

``I think this hurts'' the measure, said Texas Republican John Cornyn, an opponent.

I'm surprised Dodd, who's busy running a pathetic presidential campaign, was even around long enough to have any idea! Sorry, had to get that dig in.

Retirement might be a good option...

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