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August 07, 2007

John Edwards: Should He Win an Oscar?

John Edwards: man of the people or giant con artist? In this editorial by Brad Warthen, Edwards comes off less as the caring, compassionate guy he claims to be and more like a cynical player who will do anything to win the presidency.

Here's a snippet:

“Isn’t he [Howard Dean] a nice man?” said our copy editor (the fan). I agreed. Then came the revelation: “Unlike John Edwards,” observed the administrative assistant. What’s that? It seems that when she alone had met then-Sen. Edwards at the reception desk, she had been struck by the way he utterly ignored the folks in our customer service department and others who had hoped for a handshake or a word from the Great Man. He had saved all his amiability, all his professionally entertaining energy and talent, for the folks upstairs who would have a say in the paper’s endorsement.

The old wisdom is that the man who sucks up to his superiors but treats the waiter like crap says a lot about his character. In this light, John Edwards ain't comin' off too good.

Sure, every politician has a bit of actor in him. It's part and parcel of the gig. But if you can't even bring yourself to be cordial to the people you want to lead, then you have a really big problem. And no matter how much you comb your hair, it's what's inside that really counts. I get the feeling there isn't much behind that Gorgeous George facade.

Check out which bit Aaron found most amusing!

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Posted by Pam Meister at 10:15 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) | 2008

. . . N'His Hair Was Perfect! W. Zevon

This goof exudes all the sincerity, depth and moral compass of Uriah Heep.Oil Can Harry more like - but you are far too young to remember that unxious villain!


Posted by: Pat Hickey at August 7, 2007 10:33 AM

Aaron has more class in his little finger than John Edwards has in his entire FAMILY!

Posted by: Gayle Miller at August 8, 2007 03:39 PM

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