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August 20, 2007

"Immigrant Activist" Deported

Via Hot Air, I discovered that Elvira Arellano, the illegal Mexican immigrant who sought "sanctuary" in a Chicago church for a year, has been deported to Mexico:

An immigration activist who took refuge in a Chicago church for a year to avoid being separated from her son has been deported to Mexico, the church's pastor said.

Elvira Arellano was arrested Sunday afternoon outside Our Lady Queen of Angels church in Los Angeles. She was deported several hours later, said the Rev. Walter Coleman, pastor of Adalberto United Methodist Church in Chicago, where Arellano had taken refuge.

"She has been deported. She is free and in Tijuana," said Coleman, who said he spoke to her on the phone. "She is in good spirits. She is ready to continue the struggle against the separation of families from the other side of the border."


Arellano, 32, became a symbol of the struggles of illegal immigrant parents when she took refuge in the church to avoid being separated from her 8-year-old son Saul, who was born in the U.S. and is thus a citizen.

You know, there's no reason why little Saul couldn't go back to Mexico with Mommy. This whole notion that anchor babies must stay here while their parents are sent back home is ludicrous. Remember, it's the parents who put the children in this situation -- not our government. And it's why children born to those who do not reside legally within our borders should NOT be granted citizenship. It's a law that was designed to right some of the wrongs against former slaves, who weren't really considered citizens even when they were freed, and it's now being abused beyond belief.

Notice she was arrested in Los Angeles, not Chicago? She wasn't holed up in that church 24/7, as Hot Air's AllahPundit points out:

She left the building a few days ago for the coast, ostensibly to attend an immigration rally there (which she ended up not attending), and the feds evidently just … let her go, without interfering. As it turns out, she’d already lined up a new church to give her sanctuary in L.A. (“sanctuary” being an archaic common law concept that doesn’t exist under American law and would be grossly unconstitutional if it did, of course). I wonder if the feds got caught flat-footed on her new plans and swooped in when they did to avoid having to arrest her inside the church.

It's so nice to know the government only enforces the law when under scrutiny -- I mean, takes our laws seriously.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 09:21 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) | Illegal Immigration

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