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January 05, 2010


In the coming weeks and months this website we'll take a look at the man who is Connecticut's Senior Senator and his career. Not a pleasant task.

Let's start with the broadest and the most important argument in favor of showing Chris Dodd the door -- because it applies not only to him, but to every politician who has overstayed his welcome. And there are far too many in Washington who need to be shown the way out.

The man has been in office too long.

He was elected a United States Senator in 1980. Chris Cross and Kool and the Gang were were topping the charts. Bill Gates was selling DOS to IBM for the earth-shaking price of 50K. Ford was still making the Pinto. Cellphones, the Internet, Global Warming and the Simpsons weren't even remotely on anyone's horizons.

A senatorial term is six years. There's no limit on terms, so Chris Dodd keeps running and running - and we should note - keeps winning. The Senior Senator is the very definition of a careerist clocking in at 30 years as of 2010.

For all our sakes, the man needs to do something else.

So what does ABCD stand for!

Anyone But Chris Dodd!

UPDATE (1/6/10): Okay, so the news is out that Dodd is "retiring" and now we hear Atty. Gen. Richard Blumenthal plans to run for the seat. Trading one anti-business career Democrat for another is just as nauseating. The Republicans had better get the lead out if they hope to beat the guy who never met a corporation he didn't want to sue.

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Posted by Pam Meister at 05:51 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) | Connecticut Issues

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