July 14, 2005
Iraq's "Minutemen" Kill Children
Yes, those revolutionaries of the Middle East, the ones Michael Moore likened to our very own Minutemen of the American fight for independence, killed at least 18 children in a Baghdad bombing yesterday. (The baby in the photo at right was injured in the blast.)
A car bomb exploded next to U.S. troops handing out candy and toys, killing 18 children and teenagers Wednesday. Parents heard the shattering explosion and raced out to the discover the worst Ñ children's mangled, bloodied bodies strewn on the street.
Now they're killing children whose only crime was to hope for treats that are often given out by our soldiers. They have hit a new low...something I thought wasn't possible.
Will someone please cite sources for me that prove our Minutemen deliberately killed children?
And will someone please tell the left that it's just not good enough for us to "understand" these monsters? To feel their pain? Vermin like this needs to be wiped out. End of story.
Oh, and Michael Moore is an ass.
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